Service-Oriented Architecture and Software Architectural Pattern – A Literature Review

High-Level Notation View of a Service-Oriented System.

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Service-Oriented Architecture and Software Architectural Pattern – A Literature Review

Architectural patterns and styles define the solution how to organize and manipulate the components of the system so that one can build a complete system and achieve the requirements of the customer. There are several architectural  patterns and styles available in the software industry. Service-Oriented Architecture is one of architecture pattern. Service-Orientation is an approach to software systems development that has become a popular way to implement distributed, loosely coupled systems, because it offers such features as standardization, platform independence, well-defined interfaces, and tool support that enables legacy system integration. The primary drivers for service orientation adoption are interoperability and modifiability. The goal of this review paper is to review general guidelines for architecting service-oriented systems, how common service-oriented system components support these principles, and the effect that these principles and their implementation have on various areas. The paper firstly introduces the concept and principle of software architecture and architecture pattern, architecture pattern and styles, architecture design and design decision, pattern and pattern language, and will take Deeping dive to service-oriented architecture and service-oriented systems.

As software system increase complexity of design and development. The responsibilities of architect as person of group of people to ensure that the software system must be able to modifiable of the system to respond business requirements. The International Federation of Information Processing Working Group 2.10 defines the software architecture into five categories, one of five is Software Architecture Pattern (AP) [1]. Architectural software patterns help to capture successful designs for recurring problems in software architecture to serve requirement. Patterns of software architecture are an important tool in software architectural design. They can be observed in nearly every software architecture, even where the architects did not know they were using them. There are various Papers and  books on architecture patterns were published in last to decade, and have been widely used. Architecture patterns continue to be an important area of research and practice, and have proven their worth for capturing and conveying architectural design knowledge and decisions. SOA architectural principles are general guidelines for architecting service-oriented systems. These principles are ideally enabled by the decisions found in the architecture of the system. The service-orientation principle means that the logic required to solve a large problem can be better constructed, carried out, and managed, it is decomposed into a collection of smaller and related pieces, each of which addresses a concern or a specific part of the problem. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) encourages individual units of logic to exist autonomously yet not isolated from each other. Within SOA, these units are known as services [17]. This review paper will review APs focusing on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), the study will answer the following research questions; 1) What is the current status of SOA?, 2) What is the implementation state of SOA?, and 3) What will the next decade research of SOA?. Bring to current status, implantation state of SOA will promote the future direction of research on the field. I was using search term to search resources material support the review and to ensure review will be benefit as much as possible.

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